



  • Nitrogen 10%
  • Phosphorus 0%
  • Potassium 45%
  • Boron 0.1%
  • Iron 0.02%
  • Zinc 0.03%

The most important features of MyTech

  • The presence of potassium in this ratio helps the plant’s ability to increase the size and marketable quality of fruits
  • It contains a group of microelements such as nitrogen, as well as iron, zinc, and boron, which gives it efficiency in increasing the plant’s ability to flower and set.
  • Potassium in this form increases the sugar level in the fruits and also improves the quality of the fruit
  • My Tech can be used to increase the sizes as a spray on the foliage, especially in citrus crops – strawberries – mango – as well as
  • My Tech is suitable for fertilizing all crops as well as different types of lands
  • MyTech can be mixed with nitric and phosphoric acid, as well as with most different fertilizers
  • My Tech accepts mixing with all microelements, as well as the compound, spraying on vegetables and fertilizing
  • Please do a test before mixing
  • Origin: Türkiye

Usage Rate

  • pomegranates, and to increase the sizes and improve the paws in the banana crop, as well as increase the sizes of potato and beet tubers at a rate of 2:3 km / 600 litres.
  • MyTech compound can be injected into the fertilizer at a rate of 3:5 km/acre

Contact Us

045 2636626




Ein Shams For Agricultural Development

The first district in front of the New College of Computers – Noubaria – Beheira