


To install

  • Potassium sulfate 36%
  • Zinc 2%
  • Sulfur 26%


  • sulfate, which increases the volume and increases the sugar content
  • The presence of the sulfur element led to an increase in the efficiency of the compound in spreading on the vegetative system as well as the fruits
  • The sulfur element breaks the bonds between the iron molecules that make up the chlorophyll part and the green color, which helps speed up the coloring
  • The compound is used with high efficiency in all types of citrus crops – tomatoes, pomegranates, apples, flame grapes
  • It is famous for its high quality colouring
  • The presence of natural coloring at a rate of 30:40%
  • Increase concentration in narrow planting spaces where there is weak lighting, unlike wide crops
  • The compound can be mixed (with micronized sulfur – metlaxyl mancozeb – micro and macro elements – caricidal pesticides)
  • It is not recommended to mix it with copper pesticides, oils, or calcium
  • Please do a test before mixing
  • Usage rate: 1.5: 2 liters / 600 liters of water

Usage Rate

  • Usage rate: 1.5: 2 liters / 600 liters of water

Contact Us

045 2636626




Ein Shams For Agricultural Development

The first district in front of the New College of Computers – Noubaria – Beheira